Swim Faster Using 50% Less Energy



This 8 week program has Helped 10,898 Triathletes:

  • FIX their technique

  • REDUCE race-day anxiety

  • INCREASE confidence

  • SLASH an average of 7 min 21 sec off their race times..

🔥Strap in, bite down, and hold on tight…

Because you're about to discover how Scott and thousands of other Triathletes not only confidently finish their races, but have improved their race times by up to 7 minutes by going from being anxious and afraid of the swim to mastering techniques that allowed them to glide in the water and finish the swim - All while saving energy for the bike and the run.


– Scott Stone, Lawrenceville, GA

…without this program, I am confident I would have never been able to swim in an ocean, 2.4 miles.

"One year ago, I decided to do something epic, not having any clue what I was getting into.

I signed up for Ironman Florida 2016. I had NO CLUE how to swim.

The extent of my experience was splashing in a pool. I figured that being mildly athletic, I would be able to pick it up quick.

Boy was I wrong.

I first got into a pool in January of this year and got a quick wake up call.

I couldn’t swim 5 feet and realized I got severe anxiety with my face in the water.

I kept a journal. Excerpts:

1/2 – “Holy sh#t… I can’t swim. At all…. better figure this out quick”.

1/17 – “No clue how I am going to do this. Still can’t make it 10 feet”.

1/28 – Bought a Tri Swim program. Gonna start at square 1 and see where this goes.”

That program was Tri Swim Success. I don’t remember how I came across it, but I do remember that it was my last ditch effort.

I was in a very dark place. I had to put my trust in it.

Long story short, without this program, I am confident I would have never been able to swim in an ocean, 2.4 miles, getting pummeled by other people, and lived to tell about it.

Oh… and becoming an Ironman. "


– Cheryl Walter, Wichita, KS

"My favorite thing about this program is the structured workouts.

All of my pool time has purpose that has resulted in progress.

I have been using Tri Swim Success program and have gone through 5 weeks.

My swimming is much better. I can swim continuously if I breathe every stroke.

I can do 1.2 miles at a 2:47/100yd pace. (Not bad considering I didn’t know how to swim 6 months ago).

5 months ago I was figuring out how to put a swim cap on and certain death would come before the end of the lane”


Vivienne Kennedy, Triathlete

"I used the Essentials program for my first triathlon swim and it was excellent training.

I was able to go into the swim with confidence that I would be able to swim the distance, although not in record time – but be confident that I could confidently participate.

Now that I have seen the TriSwim Pro, I would say the same thing – the drills were excellent in developing great technique. The videos are great so that you can see exactly what it is you are supposed to be doing.

I like with the TriSwim that you have access to others’ experiences, which sometimes are similar to that which I have experienced, and ultimately helps with overall learning and increased confidence.

This program also allows me to train when it’s convenient for me & not to have to train according to someone else’s schedule – yay!”

Let me tell you the biggest mistake triathletes make..

They ignore the part of the race that could have the biggest impact on their race outcome.

You don’t need the latest or most expensive gear to reach your triathlon goals.

The key to success — far more than pricey gear — is putting in more frequent and better focused training.

Improving in swimming is not just about getting faster. It’s also about saving heartbeats for the bike and the run.

By implementing the techniques we teach, you’ll take time off your swim and save the heartbeats.

You’ll finish the swim with more confidence that carries over to the race’s first leg.

But that’s not where the payoff happens.

The payoff is in stroke efficiency.

Having an efficient stroke saves you the energy you’ll need later.

It’ll allow you to process oxygen in a much more effective way, so you can finish strong

– not just at the end of your swim, but at the end of your race as a whole.

The Question is - how do you get there?

Introducing the Tri Swim Success

“The Only Step-by-Step Program With Triathlon Specific Swim Technique Videos, Drills, Workouts, and Race Strategies You’ll Ever Need To Swim Faster , More Efficiently and finish the race!”

Easy 1-2-3 Formula

📹Technique Mastery

Swim with ease like you never have before. Save your energy for the bike and run instead of blowing yourself out to start the race.

  • You’ll get your balance in the water.

  • You’ll correct your head position, breathing, and kicking.

  • You’ll execute the perfect pull, getting the most propulsion possible.

🏋️Workout Mastery

Incorporate key drills into easy-to-follow workouts.

Workout Mastery will improve your endurance & speed, allowing you to finish the swim strong with much more energy.

  • You’ll gain speed and bring down your overall times.

🏊Open Water Swim Mastery

Broken down into easy-to-follow steps.

  • You’ll discover quick & simple techniques to go from swimming in a pool to exceeding in the open water.

  • You’ll dramatically reduce race day anxiety and use any nervousness you have to your advantage for the swim!

⚠️Who is this program for?

Introducing…Tri Swim Success

  • Sunday Triathletes who feel SPENT mid-swim...

  • First-time triathlon participants who're dreading the swim..

  • The Pro's who want to go faster by improving their technique..

  • People getting back into racing after a long pause..

  • People who LACK confidence and fear that they might not finish..

“Tri Swim Success Training Program is the type of specific training often done during one-on-one private coaching but is rarely found elsewhere. It’s a push in the right direction, so you can reach new levels of success race after race.”

In 8 weeks you'll learn:

  • Key Core Drills that Build Your Free-style Foundation

  • How to Prepare For Your Next Triathlon in 8 Weeks…

  • The Most Common Mistakes that Beginners Make With Their Swim Stroke

  • How to Retrain Your Body so You Stop Muscling Your Way Through the Water…

  • How to Breathe Properly While in the Water…

  • Some People Consider The Start of the Swim To Be The Toughest Part of the Triathlon. I’ll Give You 7 Steps To Make It Painless For You…

  • The Drill Designed to Help You with Proper Hand Entry, Extension, Glide, and Overall Rhythm of Freestyle…

  • and Much, Much More!

On top of that, you'll join the Tri-Swim community where you will be supported and held accountable by other members and Coach Dominic.

So if you want to...

🚫 Go from having anxiety before the swim..

✅ To being confident & excited.

🚫 Go from overexerting yourself & struggling to keep up..

To effortlessly gliding past your competition.

🚫 Go from losing race minutes and energy during the swim..

To finishing the swim energized for the cycling part.

In 8 weeks...

Join the Tri Swim Success program.

To get started,
click the “Get Access Now” button.

Tri Swim Success Only $124.97


  • Instant access to Tri Swim community.

  • Instant access to Tri Swim Success 8 week training program.

  • BONUS 1: The Complete Guide To Triathlon Swimming ($147 value)

  • BONUS 2: Nutrition for Triathletes ($47 value)

  • BONUS 3: Healthy mind, healthy body ($147 value)

"without this program, I am confident I would have never been able to swim in an ocean, 2.4 miles, getting pummeled by other people, and lived to tell about it.

Oh… and becoming an Ironman".

- Scott Stone, GA Ironman Triathlete

To get started,
click the “Get Access Now” button.

Tri Swim Success Only $124.97


⚠️Why Me?

I’m Dominic, Head Coach of TriSwimCoach & SwimBox, with over 22+ years of experience coaching over 7,000 swimmers of all skill levels.

From adults learning to swim, recreational lap swimmers, triathletes, open water swimmers, Masters swimmers, and everyone in between - the want to be better, faster, and smarter in the water, is inescapable.

The sheer glee you find when swimming is finally easy is the closest we’ll ever come to feeling what it’s like to fly - and I’ve been getting to see this joy in it’s purest forms with people for over twenty years.

The movement patterns, techniques, and in & out of water drill work you’ll get from my program have taken swimmers to IronMan World Championships, Olympic Trials, and hundreds of national titles.

Whether your goal is to drop time in your competitive events, prevent injury, come back from previous injury, or to achieve that feeling of flying easily through the water, my techniques and methods of training are proven.

Ready to make your swimming the easiest it’s ever been? Don’t trust me, try me out for yourself and see yourself fly.

  • Youngest Coach ever to obtain USMS Level 4 Certification

  • USMS Coach & Adult Learn to Swim Certification Instructor

  • 2x Lead Coach for USMS High Performance Camp

  • Creator & Lead Instructor of SwimBox Training Certification Courses

  • Creator & Head of the Wounded Warrior Swimming & Rehabilitation Programs at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

Introducing…Tri Swim Success

100% No B.S. Gold Medal Guarantee

This information-packed triathlon swim training program contains all of the tips, techniques, and resources I’ve used to help countless struggling triathletes experience major breakthroughs.

I’m talking about the type of information that’s normally only gained from years of trial and error or being trained by a professional coach.

Simply stated, I know there isn’t another product available like “Tri Swim Success”.

In fact, that’s why I am not afraid to offer you a 60-day, 100% unconditional, no-questions-asked, money back guarantee.

Take up to 60-day to watch and review the entire system.

Try any of my workout routines and make an honest, fair effort at improving your open water swimming skills.

If you don’t feel this program was worth every penny, simply email me and I’ll promptly refund your money.

Fair enough?

Not convinced?

Here's what Triathletes that have went through the whole program and then participated in races have to say...

Coach Jeff Stuart,

Manchester , Ct

"From what I’ve gathered over the years, I will say that this Tri Swim Coach program is about the best thing going for aspiring Triathletes and Open Water Competitors in today’s day and age.

I recently had an athlete who came to me after trying everything.

He just couldn’t seem to improve his times in a half and full IM.

I told him his best bet was to learn how to SWIM PROPERLY , under some direct tutelage. 1 on 1.

He gave me his training plan and it was Triswimcoach.com.

After perusing the program with Dominic Latella at the helm, I was amazed at this entire package.

The videos were excellent, demo subjects extremely well taught, generally impeccable.

Dominic takes you from the technique phase, with masterful methods, into the Training phase, extremely in depth, and out into the Open Water , where it all goes down in a Triathlon."

Peter Carroll


I was able to swim a 1:16 which was A LOT faster than I expected…

“I signed up for an Ironman without ever doing a triathlon of any distance.

I had never swam laps before. Right before I signed up for this course, I signed up for a 1/2 ironman (my first triathlon ever) to ‘practice’.

My swim time was slow, 50 min I think.

My Ironman fell in month 4 of this training and will all that I had learned up to that point, I was able to swim a 1:16 which was A LOT faster than I expected and I felt as if I could have gone faster.

Thanks for all your help!”

Manny Hernandez


…so encouraged I am considering stepping up my training.

“Overall I attribute my swimming improvement to this program.

I improved my time on a 200 meter swim by 45 seconds.

I never would have accomplished this without your program.

I signed up for my first open water triathlon last year before I had any experience with Tri Swim Pro.

I was very concerned about the open water swim.

However, given the improvements I have seen so far in my swimming, I am now looking forward to training for that event.

I am so encouraged I am considering stepping up my training to an Olympic Triathlon distance swim.”

Sue Rigler,

Manhattan Beach, CA

…first out of the water in the Long Beach Triathlon.

“I’ve been using your swim tips and techniques and I actually was first out of the water in the Long Beach Triathlon of women in my age division… this is an all time first for that!

I've always been middle of the pack… I was shocked myself!

I actually ended up first place for my age and 12th overall…

I was pretty excited. Doing Hermosa Beach this weekend…

hope the waves are small.

I am from Iowa and don’t like big waves!”

- Cheryl Walter, Wichita, KS

"My favorite thing about this program is the structured workouts.

All of my pool time has purpose that has resulted in progress.

I have been using Tri Swim Success program and have gone through 5 weeks.

My swimming is much better. I can swim continuously if I breathe every stroke.

I can do 1.2 miles at a 2:47/100yd pace. (Not bad considering I didn’t know how to swim 6 months ago).

5 months ago I was figuring out how to put a swim cap on and certain death would come before the end of the lane”

Bill Pritchett, Michigan


…it all seemed to fall into place.

“I wanted to send a quick note to let you know how much your web-based resources have helped me with my swimming.

I’ve been a runner for years…I always struggled with the swim and tried all kinds of methods to improve: lessons, group sessions, and even a personal coach.

Nothing seemed to help. I joined the Tri Swim Success program.

I could never seem to get my kick in sync with my stroke, so I always ended up dragging my legs, kicking just once per stroke, or “scissor-kicking” in a way that created drag.

The drills in the program really helped.

Finally yesterday, it all seemed to fall into place. I was able to synch my kick with my stroke.

All of a sudden, swimming felt effortless, and I could actually feel my kick helping to propel me through the water.

I can’t wait to get back into the pool today to reinforce these skills.

Your videos have definitely helped me progress with my swimming, and I’m sure my tri times next summer will prove it!”

Vivienne Kennedy


…was able to go into the swim with confidence.

"I used the Essentials program for my first triathlon swim and it was excellent training.

I was able to go into the swim with confidence that I would be able to swim the distance, although not in record time – but be confident that I could confidently participate.

Now that I have seen the TriSwim Pro, I would say the same thing – the drills were excellent in developing great technique. The videos are great so that you can see exactly what it is you are supposed to be doing.

I like with the TriSwim that you have access to others’ experiences, which sometimes are similar to that which I have experienced, and ultimately helps with overall learning and increased confidence.

This program also allows me to train when it’s convenient for me & not to have to train according to someone else’s schedule – yay!”

To get started,
click the “Get Access Now” button.

Tri Swim Success Only $124.97


  • Instant access to Tri Swim community.

  • Instant access to Tri Swim Success 8 week training program.

  • BONUS 1: The Complete Guide To Triathlon Swimming ($147 value)

  • BONUS 2: Nutrition for Triathletes ($47 value)

  • BONUS 3: Healthy mind, healthy body ($147 value)

"without this program, I am confident I would have never been able to swim in an ocean, 2.4 miles, getting pummeled by other people, and lived to tell about it.

Oh… and becoming an Ironman".

- Scott Stone, GA Ironman Triathlete

To get started,
click the “Get Access Now” button.

Tri Swim Success Only $124.97
